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Turbo Pascal 6.0 README 파일

by 사악신 2012. 10. 24.

가끔 필요할 때가 있어 정리해둡니다.

                     WELCOME TO TURBO PASCAL 6.0

This README file contains important, last minute information about
Turbo Pascal 6.0. In addition to this file, there are several .DOC
files in the \TP\DOC directory that you should browse. The HELPME!.DOC
file answers many common Technical Support questions. The FIXES.DOC
file provides corrections to the printed documentation. And the
TVISION.DOC file gives additional information (reference and tutorial)
about programming in Turbo Vision.

 1.  How to Get Help
 2.  Installation
 3.  Take a Tour
 4.  Turbo Help
 5.  New Features
 6.  Turbo Vision Examples
 7.  Important Documentation Information
 8.  Compatibility Notes
 9.  Testing Expanded Memory
10.  Complete List of Files

If you have any problems, please read this file, the *.DOC files in
\TP\DOC, and the Turbo Pascal manuals first. If you still have a
question and need assistance, help is available from the following

1. Type GO BPROGA on the CompuServe bulletin board system. If you are
   not a member of CompuServe, see the enclosed special offer.

2. Check with your software dealer or user group.

3. Write to us:

   Borland International
   Turbo Pascal 6.0 Technical Support
   1800 Green Hills Road
   P.O. Box 660001
   Scotts Valley, CA  95067-0001

   Please include your serial number or we will be unable to process
   your letter.

4. If you have an urgent problem and you have sent in the license
   agreement that accompanied this package, you may call the Borland
   Technical Support Department at (408) 438-5300. Please have the
   following information ready before calling:

   a. Product name and serial number from the distribution disks.

   b. Product version number. Both the IDE and the command-line
      compiler display a version number when they are executed.

   c. Computer brand, model, and the brands and model numbers of
      any additional hardware.

   d. Operating system and version number. (The version number can
      be determined by typing VER at the DOS prompt.)

   e. Contents of your AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS files.

Use the INSTALL program to install Turbo Pascal. The files on the
distribution disks are all archived and INSTALL will de-archive them
for you. INSTALL will place them into subdirectories and automatically
create configuration files for both the command-line compiler and the
Integrated Development Environment (IDE). All further references to
directory paths in this README file assume you've used INSTALL's
default directory structure.

To start the installation, place the disk labeled INSTALL in Drive A:,
change to Drive A: and type A:INSTALL.


INSTALL works on both hard disk and dual-floppy systems. If you decide
to de-archive files manually, just run the UNZIP program (found on the
INSTALLATION disk) on any .ZIP file. For example, to de-archive
TPC.EXE and TURBO.TPL from the TURBO.ZIP file on Drive A:, type:

  unzip a:turbo turbo.tpl tpc.exe

This places TURBO.TPL and TPC.EXE onto the current drive or directory
(and assumes UNZIP.EXE is already in the current drive or directory).

Take an online tour of the new Integrated Development Environment. Run
TPTOUR from the \TP directory for a 10-minute introduction to editing,
compiling and running programs in the new IDE.

The fastest way to get help on any Turbo Pascal feature is to use the
newly expanded online help system. Pull down the Help menu by typing
Alt-H and then browse topics (via the Contents menu) or lookup
identifiers (by selecting Topic search). If it's in Turbo Pascal, it's
in the help system! And if you use the command-line compiler and your
own editor, you can still get Turbo Help using THELP.COM. THELP is a
TSR that can be found in the \TP\UTILS directory.

Turbo Pascal 6.0 offers many new features, including:

o Borland's new Integrated Developer's Environment (IDE), our new
  generation user interface that includes all the features you're used
  to, plus:

  o Mouse support.
  o Multiple overlapping windows.
  o Multi-file editor that can edit files up to 1 mbyte in size.
  o Cut, copy and paste using the Clipboard.
  o Turbo online help system that has been expanded, with
    copy-and-paste program examples for practically every function.
    Includes full reference to Turbo Vision objects, methods,
    variables and constants.
  o Conditional breakpoints.
  o CPU Register window.
  o Makes full use of EMS to enhance performance and increase
  o Built-in customization for color and startup options.

o Turbo Vision, an object-oriented, high-performance application
  framework and library. Programs written in Turbo Vision inherit
  everything from mouse support, dialogs, menus, overlapping windows,
  and automatic desktop management to the online help system,
  calculator, and other tools that you'll find in the \TP\TVDEMOS

  Programming with Turbo Vision is so efficient and powerful, we used
  it to build the IDE itself!

o Built-in, inline assembler. Combine the best of both worlds: write
  assembly language instructions inside your Turbo Pascal programs.

o Private fields and methods are now supported in an object
  declaration. This enables you to "enforce" encapsulation. Object
  privacy is implemented consistently with the existing data hiding
  capabilities of a unit. See P-87 in the User's Guide and P-35 in the
  Programmer's Guide for more information.

o Other enhancements include:
  o New Objects unit with better collections and streams.
  o New heap manager is faster and safer.
  o Extended syntax compiler directive {$X} allows you to
    optionally discard function results.
  o New procedure directives: far, near and assembler.
  o 80286 code generation directive {$G}.
  o Minor code generation improvements.
  o Address references in typed constant pointers.
  o Link in initialized data from .OBJs {$L}.

There are three different kinds of Turbo Vision example programs
provided. You'll find all the example programs from the Turbo Vision
Guide in the \TP\DOCDEMOS directory. You'll find several Turbo Vision
application support units in the \TP\TVISION directory. And you'll
find several Turbo Vision demonstration programs in the \TP\TVDEMOS

If you're trying to run one of the Turbo Vision demos from inside the
IDE, we recommend that you set Compile|Destination to disk and the
Link Buffer option to Disk (in the Options|Linker dialog box). Many of
these examples are large programs and require full memory capacity to
compile and run. Depending on your system configuration, you may need
to compile and run them from DOS. Here's how to use the command-line
compiler on TVDEMO.PAS:

  cd \tp\tvdemos
  tpc /m tvdemos

Then run TVDEMO.PAS from DOS by typing:


In order to facilitate compiling these demos on a wide variety of
system configurations, we've turned off debug information {$D-} in all
Turbo Vision units. If you have a system with lots of memory and EMS,
you might want to enable the {$D} compiler directive in selected units
in \TP\TVDEMOS so you can step through the code.

All source code examples from the Turbo Vision Guide and from the
User's Guide's chapter on object-oriented programming (chapter 4) can
be found in the \TP\DOCDEMOS directory.

8.  Compatibility notes

Turbo Debugger and Turbo Pascal 6.0
You can use any version of Turbo Debugger with Turbo Pascal 6.0.
However, because of the changes to the heap manager, don't watch,
inspect or evaluate MemAvail or MaxAvail unless you're using Turbo
Debugger 2.01 or later.

Turbo Pascal 6.0 Heap Manager
The new heap manager is faster and more efficient than in Turbo Pascal
5.x. FreeMin is no longer needed and you can simply delete all
references to it in your programs. FreePtr has been replaced. If
you're relying on implementation-dependent features of the old heap
manager, you'll have to modify your code to eliminate references to
FreePtr. (If you just need to compress the heap, you can call the
SetMemTop procedure from the Turbo Vision Memory unit.) See Chapter 16
in the Programmer's Guide for more information about how the new heap
manager works.

If you are using a HeapError function, make sure it exits quickly when
passed a Size value of 0:

  function HeapError(Size: Word): Integer; far;
    if Size > 0 then
      { ... perform HeapError processing here ... }

In version 6.0, HeapError is called with a value of 0 whenever an
allocation moves the HeapPtr upwards.

Turbo Pascal 6.0 and the Toolboxes
The 4.0 toolboxes all work with Turbo Pascal 6.0. (The Turbo Editor
Toolbox needs 2 easy source code modifications to work with 6.0. See
the file HELPME!.DOC in \TP\DOC for more information.)

Turbo Pascal 5.5 Object Unit
All the demo units and programs from Turbo Pascal 5.5 will work with
version 6.0 if you recompile them. However, we recommend that you use
the new Object unit's streams and collections in any new programs you
write. Note that you cannot use the 5.5 Objects unit with Turbo

9. Testing Expanded Memory: EMSTEST.COM
EMSTEST.COM is in the \TP\UTILS directory and can be used to test your
Expanded Memory (EMS) hardware and software. If you have problems
using Turbo Pascal with your EMS, type EMSTEST at the DOS prompt and
follow the instructions. (To disable the IDE's EMS usage, specify /X-
on the commandline when you load TURBO. To determine how much EMS the
IDE is using, load TURBO and select GET INFO on the FILE menu.)

10. Complete List of Files
The INSTALL program will place all of the following on your hard disk
during the installation process (the floppy installation installs only

  INSTALL.EXE    - Installs Turbo Pascal on your system
  README.COM     - Program to display README file
  UNZIP.EXE      - De-archiving program
  TURBO.ZIP      - Archived file containing:
    TURBO.EXE    - Turbo Pascal Integrated Development Environment
    TURBO.TPL    - Resident units for Turbo Pascal
    TURBO.TP     - Configuration file for TURBO.EXE
    TPC.EXE      - Command-line version of Turbo Pascal
  README         - This file!

  Turbo Vision/Tour
  TVISION.ZIP    - Archived file containing Turbo Vision units:
    APP.PAS      - Application unit source
    BUFFERS.PAS  - Buffers unit source
    COLORSEL.PAS - Color installation unit source
    EDITORS.PAS  - Editors unit source
    MSGBOX.PAS   - Message box unit source
    STDDLG.PAS   - Standard dialogs unit source
    APP.TPU      - Application unit
    BUFFERS.TPU  - Buffers unit
    COLORSEL.TPU - Color installation unit
    DIALOGS.TPU  - Dialogs unit
    DRIVERS.TPU  - Drivers unit
    EDITORS.TPU  - Editors unit
    HISTLIST.TPU - History list unit
    MEMORY.TPU   - Memory management unit
    MENUS.TPU    - Menus unit
    MSGBOX.TPU   - Messagebox unit
    OBJECTS.TPU  - Objects unit
    STDDLG.TPU   - Standard dialogs unit
    TEXTVIEW.TPU - Simple text window unit
    VIEWS.TPU    - Views unit

  TVDEMOS.ZIP    - Archived file containing Turbo Vision demos:
    TVDEMO.PAS   - Turbo Vision demo application
    DEMOHELP.HLP - Compiled help file for TVDEMO
    ASCIITAB.PAS - ASCII table viewer
    CALC.PAS     - Desktop calculator
    CALENDAR.PAS - Desktop calendar (monthly viewer)
    DEMOHELP.PAS - Context file produced by running HC on DEMOHELP.TXT
    FVIEWER.PAS  - Text file viewer
    GADGETS.PAS  - Desktop gadgets (clock, heap viewer)
    HELPFILE.PAS - Help system manager
    MOUSEDLG.PAS - Mouse options dialog
    PUZZLE.PAS   - Simple brain teaser puzzle
    DEMOCMDS.PAS - Command constants for TVDEMO.PAS
    TVHC.PAS     - Help text compiler
    DEMOHELP.TXT - Help file source for TVDEMO.PAS
    TVRDEMO.PAS  - Resourced and overlaid version of TVDEMO.PAS
    GENRDEMO.PAS - Used by TVRDMAKE.BAT to build resources for TVRDEMO.PAS
    TVEDIT.PAS   - Application that demonstrates the EDITORS unit

    TVFORMS.PAS  - Form entry and edit application
    FORMCMDS.PAS - Command constants
    DATACOLL.PAS - Data record collection
    LISTDLG.PAS  - List dialog manager
    FIELDS.PAS   - Edit/entry fields
    FORMS.PAS    - Form dialog manager
    PARTS.TVF    - Sample data file
    PHONENUM.TVF - Sample data file
    GENFORMS.BAT - Generates sample data files for TVFORMS.PAS

    FILEVIEW.PAS - Simple disk & file browser program
    TVTXTDMO.PAS - Demonstrates TEXTVIEW unit

    TVBGI.PAS    - Demonstrates BGI support unit (GRAPHAPP)
    GRAPHAPP.PAS - Support unit for swapping between Turbo Vision and BGI

  INTRFACE.ZIP   - Archived file containing the interface sections
                   of Turbo Vision and runtime library units
  TURBO3.ZIP     - Archived file containing TURBO3 and GRAPH3
                   compatibility units and interface documentation
  TOUR.ZIP       - Archived file containing the IDE Tour and its
                   overlay files.
  Online Help
  HELP.ZIP       - Archived file containing:
    TURBO.HLP    - Online help data file

  BGI.ZIP        - Archived file containing BGI driver and support
    GRAPH.TPU    - Borland Graphics Interface (BGI) Graph unit
    ATT.BGI      - AT&T 6300 driver
    CGA.BGI      - CGA and MCGA driver
    EGAVGA.BGI   - EGA and VGA driver
    HERC.BGI     - Hercules mono driver
    PC3270.BGI   - 3270 PC driver
    IBM8514.BGI  - IBM 8514 driver
    GOTH.CHR     - Gothic font
    LITT.CHR     - Small font
    SANS.CHR     - Sans serif font
    TRIP.CHR     - Triplex font
    BGIDEMO.PAS  - Graph unit demo
    ARTY.PAS     - Graph unit demo
    BGILINK.PAS  - Graph unit demo
    BGIDRIV.PAS  - BGILINK.PAS demo unit
    BGIFONT.PAS  - BGILINK.PAS demo unit
    BGILINK.MAK  - BGILINK.PAS demo makefile
    THELP.COM    - TSR online help utility
    TPUMOVER.EXE - Unit mover utility
    TEMC.EXE     - Turbo Editor Macro Compiler
    MAKE.EXE     - UNIX-style project management utility
    GREP.COM     - Text file search utility
    TOUCH.COM    - Changes a file's timestamp to force re-compilation
    BINOBJ.EXE   - Converts a binary data file to an .OBJ file
    EMSTEST.COM  - Expanded Memory (EMS) hardware/software diagnostic
  DOCDEMOS.ZIP   - Archived file containing source code examples
                   from the User's Guide and Turbo Vision Guide.
  TCALC.ZIP      - Archived file contain the source code to the Turbo
                   Calc demo program
  DEMOS.ZIP      - Archived file contain numerous demo programs
  ONLINE.ZIP     - Archived file contain online documentation files:
    HELPME!.DOC  - Answers to commonly asked questions
    FIXES.DOC    - Corrections to the printed documentation
    TVISION.DOC  - Enhancements to Turbo Vision
    BUFFERS.DOC  - Documents the Turbo Vision buffers unit
    EDITORS.DOC  - Documents the Turbo Vision editors unit
    TEMC.DOC     - Turbo Editor Macro Compiler documentation
    THELP.DOC    - Turbo Help (TSR) documentation

